
我们为整个太平洋西北地区及其他地区的客户安排旅行。 我们致力于为持久的回忆创造出色的旅行体验。


Seasons Travel拥有知识渊博的员工,拥有超过30年的综合经验。 我们会说不同的语言,可以帮助您管理紧急情况,改变计划和定制旅行。

我们了解亚洲 - 和世界!

去年,我们帮助了许多前往美国的客户。 此外,我们还帮助客户前往欧洲,亚洲,澳大利亚,非洲和美洲。 欧洲目的地包括德国,意大利,法国,英国,冰岛和斯堪的纳维亚半岛。 在亚洲,我们的客户前往柬埔寨,中国,印度,日本,老挝,韩国,台湾,泰国和越南。 我们还帮助客户前往澳大利亚,新西兰,斯里兰卡,特立尼达,南非,墨西哥,加拿大和其他国家。




在9岁和12岁的时候,我带着我的YMCA舞蹈团前往越南,柬埔寨,泰国和韩国。 我度过了人生中最美好的时光,并学到了很多其他国家的人。 我们遇到了非常热情的舞者和当地人,让我觉得很特别。 看我的 照片库!

-Angelo Celletti

我有幸与Seasons Travel合作了十多年,在此期间,Theresa和她的团队为我们30名成人和儿童的团体策划并提供了令人难以置信的文化艺术旅行。 我们所有的旅行(到中国,越南,柬埔寨和泰国)都经过精心策划,旨在为我们的参与者提供终极体验。 特蕾莎是一个非常高兴的工作和完整的专业人士,我完全信任她。


Lynn Wilmot-Stenehjem

I have been on three great trips set up by Theresa and her travel agency. They all were fantastic and well organized with interpreter, accommodation and transportation. I recommend to use Seasons Travel for their next travel and especially  groups planning to travel to Asia.

-Ana Cristina

I was fortunate enough to be invited to an excursion around Vietnam with the Tacoma YMCA dancers. The trip was planned by Seasons Travel with Theresa Pan Hosley. Throughout my life I have traveled to several countries around the world with my own family, throughout South America, Central America and Europe but I had never been to an Asian country and I had also never been on a trip where everyday was planned out by a travel agent. And now, afterwards, I can’t imagine doing a trip that isn’t all planned out for me. It was luxurious. I just had to know what time to get up and everything was planned perfectly. I saw 10 times the amount of things I would have seen if I had planned it out alone, with the added bonus of having no stress! I wasn’t panicked about finding someone to translate or who could speak English. I wasn’t panicked about finding transportation, getting robbed, finding good food, getting checked in and out of hotels, or anything else in between – all of which worries me about traveling. It was the most luxurious and stress-free trip I’ve ever had. I also learned more on this trip about Vietnam’s culture, history and geography than about any other country I’ve been to. It was a trip that I will remember throughout my life and hope that others are lucky enough to experience. I am forever grateful for Theresa Pan Hosley’s hard-work, experience and personal care she puts into her work.

-Catherine Johnson